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Bauerstown Baseball and Softball Association


Bauerstown Baseball and Softball

Return to Play Guidelines, Procedures, and Recommendations 


Bauerstown Baseball and Softball is concerned about the health and safety of our players, spectators, umpires, coaches, concession stand workers, field crews, commissioners, and board members.

Our goal is not to change the game, but change the conditions around the field of play to make it as safe as possible to have a summer baseball and softball season. We will not always be able to practice social distancing on the field but WE ALL NEED TO PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AROUND THE BAUERSTOWN BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL COMPLEX. If you CANNOT social distance you MUST wear a mask. For us to return to play we need everyone’s cooperation.

Also, the guidelines, procedures, and recommendations are subject to change based on local, state, and federal guidelines.

General Guidelines

·         If you do not feel well PLEASE STAY HOME

·         Parents/guardians, spectators, and players waiting to play must remain in their car until the field is clear and the team manager is present at the field.

·         Social distancing should be practiced at all times when not actively engaging in a game or practice.  6 foot physical distancing guidelines should be followed at the complex. If you CANNOT social distance you MUST wear a mask.

·         Vulnerable population should stay at home.

·         Follow all local, state, and federal guidelines

·         While at the complex face masks are not required if you can socially distance from others. If you cannot social distance you MUST wear a mask. This does not apply to the playing field.

·         Spectators are encouraged to bring their own chair and spread out around the field. Remember to maintain 6 foot physical distancing around the field.

·         Spectators are not to set up behind the backstop or by the dugout area.

·         Spectators are not permitted to sit in the bleachers and no pop up tents should be set up around the complex.

·         Spectators must not enter the player area

·         Parents/guardians, spectators, and players must return to their cars immediately after their game/practice ends.

·         Parents/guardians should supply their athletes with antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer where appropriate.

·         Parents/guardians of Bauerstown Baseball and Softball player must sign a waiver to play at our complex.

·         Our concession stand may be available - please maintain social distancing while ordering at our stand. You MUST wear a mask while ordering at a concession stand window.


Game/Practice Guidelines

·         All athletes should STAY HOME if they are ill or not feeling well.

·         Vulnerable population should stay at home.

·         Manager will disinfect the dugout area before the team can enter this area

·         Managers must wear a mask if they cannot socially distance themselves from others. If you are able to maintain social distancing you do not have to wear a mask.

·         Parents/guardians and players waiting to play a game/practice must remain in their car until the field is clear and the team manager is present at the field. Please try to arrive during your arrival time which will be set by the organization and/or the manager.

·         While in the field or at bat face masks are not mandatory for athletes but they can wear a face mask if they choose.

·         We are asking players to bring a folding chair to sit on during the game/practice. Players will keep all their personal belongings in their area. Our goal is to space everyone 6 feet apart. If players cannot social distance, they MUST wear a mask on the bench.

·         Players should bring their own water bottles. The players name should be on the water bottle. No food should be brought to a game/practice (unless a medical condition requires an athlete to have food). Please make your coach aware if your child has a medical condition that requires them to have food in the player area. NO SUNFLOWER SEEDS

·         Players should use their own equipment. Equipment should not be shared.

·         Catching gear should be disinfected before someone else uses it

·         Players and coaches should refrain from handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, elbow bumps, chest bumps, group celebrations, etc.  

·         No team meetings in a confined space. Players must sit in their area in the dugout. No team meeting will take place in the dugout, on the mound, in the infield, or outfield where social distancing cannot be practiced.

·         Teams are to clean their dugouts of all trash and other items before they leave. Anything left behind will be thrown out.

·         Manager/coach will disinfect the dugout area after the game/practice ends.

·         Manager/coach will disinfect the bases and baseballs after each game/practice 

·         Parents/guardians and players must return to their cars immediately after their game ends.

·         If a player becomes ill they should immediately be removed from the game and their parent should be notified


These guidelines, procedures, and recommendations are subject to change based on local, state, and federal guidelines.


Thank You,

BBSA Board and Commissioners



Bauerstown Baseball and Softball Association

152 Koehler St 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15223

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Bauerstown Baseball and Softball Association

152 Koehler St 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15223

Email: [email protected]

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